
These tips are for anyone that goes to a nightlife environment or any event away from the safety of your own home. Whether it is considered a “safe” place or not.


  • Designate a BriannaBond buddy.
  • ALWAYS have your BriannaBond buddy with you, walking to a car, going to the restroom or just stepping outside of an establishment.
  • If you have a phone call let your BriannaBond buddy know who is calling.
  • Create a secret word to let your BriannaBond buddy know if you feel threatened or just uncomfortable around someone nearby.
  • Always park in well lit areas.
  • Carry mace and have it easily accessible, for example, in a side pocket of your purse or in a pocket, NOT in a separate case.
  • Never leave a drink or food unattended.
  • Look inside and around your car before getting into it and lock doors immediately.
  • Create times and places with your BriannaBond buddies, when in groups, that meet periodically throughout an outing.
  • If you feel you are in a dangerous or potentially dangerous place or situation, have your cell phone ready to dial 911.

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